Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Foreclosures Slow Down in Bay Area

Bay Area foreclosures slowed in September, down 7% from August and 10% from this time last year, according to an article in the Contra Costa Times. A report released Thursday by RealtyTrac revealed these numbers, though how long the decline will last is uncertain.
2,594 homeowners in the Bay Area were given a notice of default in September, the first step in the foreclosure process.

RealtyTrac does not include Santa Clara County in its definition of the Bay Area, however, and there was a slight increase in foreclosures in that county, as well as in San Mateo County, though that is included in the Bay Area defined by the company.

RealtyTrac CEO Daren Blomquist said that “in the next six months, it’s likely that default notices will be on a consistent upward rise in the Bay Area, once banks catch up with their backlog of current foreclosures and more people fall behind on their mortgages.”

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