Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I am Truly Flattered!

Christina Herzig, our 2010 Rookie of the Year award winning loan officer, was surprised by her interest in the real estate finance industry when she stumbled into it in 1998.

“Honestly, I had no idea what real estate finance was until I was “lended” out as a fill in receptionist for a small brokerage firm in the same building where I was working at the time.  One of the loan officers saw my interest in learning about what I was doing, hired me as his assistant and showed me the ropes,” she said.
Her skill was quickly apparent, and she found that she loved the numbers, the interactions with the people and the uniqueness of each file.  The job was never boring to her, and Christina had found her career.

Today, she is extremely successful in a job she adores.

“I love the problem solving involved in most loan transactions.  Most loans are not “vanilla” loans that are easy to close,” said Christina. “Most of all, I enjoy the relationships I develop with my clients during the process and hearing their excitement when we get their loan approved and seeing their joy at the signing.”

Aside from her work at Mortgage California, Christina is highly involved with the Animal Friends and Rescue Project, an amazing organization that rescues animals that have been abandoned or are at their “expiration” date with other shelters. Christina volunteers as a foster parent for these dogs, taking care of them until they are adopted.

“I find it to be so incredibly rewarding to see these great dogs find loving homes where there is a mutual giving/taking of love and joy,” said Christina.


Chocolate, a nine-year-old Chow mix, came into Christina’s life after the dogs’ family lost their home. A true Houdini, Chocolate was a mastermind at getting past obstacles and by his foster mom’s side.

“She figured out how to jump over her 3’ high puppy pen.  She figured out how to move the baby gate out of the way to get into my room at night,” said Christina.  “She even figured out how to move my heavy bar stools, climb over her crate and move the baby gate to get to me.  Nothing stopped her.”

Though she does get attached to the dogs she fosters, it helps knowing that they are going to loving, forever homes. Her caring nature carries over from her volunteering to the way she values her clients, and is one of the things that makes Christina an outstanding loan officer.

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