Monday, January 24, 2011

Ways to Reduce Stress When You’re Moving

Buying and selling a home and moving is one of the most stressful processes on the human psyche. It is important that while going through the real estate process, you find time to take care of yourself.
Just like on an airplane, you have to put an oxygen mask on yourself before helping anyone else. This means that in order to be able to take care of things and other people, it is important that you make sure you take care of yourself first.
Savor time taking care of yourself to reduce the stress of moving.

Try setting aside relaxation time just for yourself each day, and do something you enjoy, despite the hectic and stressful nature of moving.

Reading a good book, spending time outside, taking a long bath, getting a massage – things like this will help you reduce your stress level immensely. With less real estate stress, handling the details will be easier.

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