Thursday, August 29, 2013



Mortgage Concept2

Happy Thursday. I hope you have fun plans for the long weekend coming up. Are you planning one last barbecue? Some good hikes?

For today’s mortgage news roundup, we have both sides of flipping houses, a list of repairs every new homebuyer should make (and established ones should re-read to see what you’re missing), and an update on the government easing restrictions for down payments.

Repairs Every New Homebuyer Should Make

Just bought your home and not sure where to start? Here’s a list of maintenance and repairs you should do before move in and up to annually.
Move-In Week
Make it a point to turn on all of your major appliances and let them run for a complete cycle, especially if your home is newly built. Believe it or not, contractors and home inspectors don’t always test out these devices after installing them.
It’s important to find out if the appliance was properly installed. A leak left undetected can become a nightmare. You should also read your home warranty to understand your rights and responsibilities should anything go wrong.
Read the article for more suggestions at 45 days, and 6 months. They also have suggestions for annual maintenance and every other year that you should put on your calendar or tickler file.
As they say, don’t put off small repairs because when you do,they get big and far more expensive very quickly.

15 Cities Where House Flippers Are Making Tons of Money

Have you ever thought of being a home flipper? This article on Yahoo Finance lists the 15 best cities where people are making the most money flipping houses. Not surprisingly, the majority of places are in Florida.
You can read the full report on Realty Trac and see how California is doing specifically.

Buying a ‘flipped’ home? Be careful

On the flip side (sorry, couldn’t resist), there are a lot of flipped homes on the market. MarketWatch has an article on what a home buyer should be aware of before buying a home that was bought cheaply and fixed up.
Current flipping activity is at its highest since RealtyTrac began tracking it in 2007. How do you make sure you don’t buy a home that has been renovated cosmetically, with serious underlying issues beneath the fresh paint?
  1. Find out who did the work
  2. Hire a good home inspector
  3. Look for structural problems
  4. Ask for and verify the permits

Government relaxes mortgage down payment rules

CBS News is reporting that the Government is relaxing mortgage down payment rules.
The proposed new Qualified Residential Mortgage rule, released jointly by six government agencies, was cheered by both consumer advocates and mortgage industry members–who typically don’t see eye-to-eye on much–largely because it eliminates much stricter down payment rules that the previous version of QRM would have created.
The six agencies–the Federal Reserve Board, the FDIC, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Office of the Comptroller and Currency and the Securities and Exchange Commission–are taking comments on the proposed changes through the end of October.
Under the old rule, the requirement was going back to a 20% downpayment. The new rule will have the mortgage lender evaluate the applicant on an individual basis.
Many of those comments attacked the original QRM rules. The proposed changes, on the other hand, are causing nearly universal joy to ripple through housing and mortgage groups.
“This new proposal shows that regulators listened to the comments from the wide range of stakeholders involved,” said Chris Estes, president and CEO of the National Housing Conference, an affordable housing advocacy group. “Aligning the QRM rule with the QM rules will allow more American families to become homeowners and ensures that housing markets can remain strong in the future. This is especially important for communities that are still rebuilding from the foreclosure crisis.”
If you have questions about eligibility for a mortgage, talk to a professional loan officer. They diligently study the news and market and stay on top of the interest rate trends. They also are in touch with many lenders to find the best package for your situation.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Decorating In Small Spaces


Small living spaces

Decorating In Small Spaces

Have you ever walked around IKEA and been completely amazed at how they get so much in such tiny living spaces?
In today’s post we’ll look at the basics of small living space design and provide tips that you can use in your home this weekend to make it feel like you have more space.
Remember living in a dorm or your first apartment? You didn’t own much so it wasn’t a problem to decorate with cinder blocks and wood planks or milk crates.

Key Principle One: Don’t Have More Stuff Than Space

Look into alternate storage spaces like attics or rafters in the garage for items that you want to keep but don’t need to have at hand. If your kids have a lot of toys out, consider boxing up about half, and then in a few months, bring those back out and box up what they were playing with. It will feel like a birthday all over again as the toys will seem new and exciting. Plus, you don’t have all the toys out there.
And if they’re done playing, pack it up and donate or give to friends.
Rip all of your old CD’s and then get rid of them.
Make sure that everything has it’s place and that it gets returned when done. It will seem difficult at first, but it gets easier when it becomes a habit.

Key Principle Two: Keep decorating Simple

Limit your palette to no more than four shades. Too many colors will make the room seem smaller because the color will be taking up all the space.
Choose one large piece like the bed or the couch to anchor the room. Then balance it with smaller items. Too many little items clutter up and make the room feel smaller.
Keep light fixtures simple so they don’t dominate the room.

Key Principle Three: Look For Multi-Taskers

There are ottomans that double as storage as well as seating.
If you have a closet you don’t use, convert it into a mini-office. You can put in a desk, a lamp, shelves and your computer. Then, when you have company, you can close up the closet doors. If you can’t close the doors, put up some sheers to close off that area and open up the room.


Better Homes & Gardens’ Guides to Small Space Decorating
HGTV Small Space Design Guides
House Beautiful Small Space Solutions
Which room will you tackle this weekend?